If you've never had an acupuncture treatment, you don’t know what you're missing.
And, just so we’re clear, that one time you had dry needing from your chiropractor or PT doesn't count as an acupuncture treatment. By "acupuncture treatment," I mean a full holistic healthcare session with a licensed acupuncturist.
Acupuncture is for Everyone
You may think you don’t have a reason to try acupuncture, but acupuncture is for everyone.
If you are struggling with intense physical, mental, and emotional pain and stress, acupuncture can provide relief and healing at every level. And if you already feel healthy, acupuncture can help you stay on your game and feel even more fantastic.
Acupuncture is effective for many conditions including stress, anxiety, depression, mood swings, digestive issues, skin problems, joint pain, back pain, headaches, migraines, insomnia, fatigue, PMS, irregular periods, cramps, infertility, hot flashes, and more.
Not only does acupuncture heal the body in all these ways and more, but it brings on an amazing feeling that I like to call acu-bliss.
Acupuncture is like a reset button for the nervous system, and it creates a sense of stillness and peace in the body and mind.
You might experience acu-bliss after your first treatment or it may take a few visits. When I was introduced to acupuncture, it wasn’t until my 3rd or 4th visit that I walked out of my appointment in a truly altered state of being (physically, mentally, and emotionally). As I left the building I was struck by the deep relaxation, clarity, and contentment that I felt, and that was the moment that I understood that acupuncture was a profound, unique, and powerful therapy.
Whenever you have the good fortune to have your first experience of acu-bliss, you might wonder why you waited so long to make acupuncture a part of your life.